Boston Guppy Club and New England Aquarium Club
The Bleakley lab is headed to the June 2017 joint meeting of the Boston Guppy Club and Boston Aquarium Society to talk about guppy...
Dogs are cheerful creatures, too. And we need your help to understand dog behavior better!
Emily DePaoli and Molly McGowan, two members of the Bleakley lab, are collecting data on dog feeding behavior. They hope to determine...
Biology lessons for college and life (Stonehill College Convocation address)
I have been honored to be the Stonehill College Louise F. Hegarty Award for Excellence in Teaching recipient for the past year. They...
Heather Bleakley gives IU Joan Wood Women in Science Lecture
I had the privilege of returning to Indiana University to give the Joan Wood Lecture on Women in Science. I met with fantastic grad...